46 research outputs found

    Optimisation énergétique de processus de traitement du signal et ses applications au décodage vidéo

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    Consumer electronics offer today more and more features (video, audio, GPS, Internet) and connectivity means (multi-radio systems with WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). The power demand of these devices is growing for the digital part especially for the processing chip. To support this ever increasing computing demand, processor architectures have evolved with multicore processors, graphics processors (GPU) and ether dedicated hardware accelerators. However, the evolution of battery technology is itself slower. Therefore, the autonomy of embedded systems is now under a great pressure. Among the new functionalities supported by mobile devices, video services take a prominent place. lndeed, recent analyzes show that they will represent 70% of mobile Internet traffic by 2016. Accompanying this growth, new technologies are emerging for new services and applications. Among them HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) can double the data compression while maintaining a subjective quality equivalent to its predecessor, the H.264 standard. ln a digital circuit, the total power consumption is made of static power and dynamic power. Most of modern hardware architectures implement means to control the power consumption of the system. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) mainly reduces the dynamic power of the circuit. This technique aims to adapt the power of the processor (and therefore its consumption) to the actual load needed by the application. To control the static power, Dynamic Power Management (DPM or sleep modes) aims to stop the voltage supplies associated with specific areas of the chip. ln this thesis, we first present a model of the energy consumed by the circuit integrating DPM and DVFS modes. This model is generalized to multi-core integrated circuits and to a rapid prototyping tool. Thus, the optimal operating point of a circuit, i.e. the operating frequency and the number of active cores, is identified. Secondly, the HEVC application is integrated to a multicore architecture coupled with a sophisticated DVFS mechanism. We show that this application can be implemented efficiently on general purpose processors (GPP) while minimizing the power consumption. Finally, and to get further energy gain, we propose a modified HEVC decoder that is capable to tune its energy gains together with a decoding quality trade-off.Aujourd'hui, les appareils électroniques offrent de plus en plus de fonctionnalités (vidéo, audio, GPS, internet) et des connectivités variées (multi-systèmes de radio avec WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). La demande en puissance de ces appareils est donc grandissante pour la partie numérique et notamment le processeur de calcul. Pour répondre à ce besoin sans cesse croissant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et donc de puissance de calcul, les architectures des processeurs ont beaucoup évolué : processeurs multi-coeurs, processeurs graphiques (GPU) et autres accélérateurs matériels dédiés. Cependant, alors que de nouvelles architectures matérielles peinent à répondre aux exigences de performance, l'évolution de la technologie des batteries est quant à elle encore plus lente. En conséquence, l'autonomie des systèmes embarqués est aujourd'hui sous pression. Parmi les nouveaux services supportés par les terminaux mobiles, la vidéo prend une place prépondérante. En effet, des analyses récentes de tendance montrent qu'elle représentera 70 % du trafic internet mobile dès 2016. Accompagnant cette croissance, de nouvelles technologies émergent permettant de nouveaux services et applications. Parmi elles, HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) permet de doubler la compression de données tout en garantissant une qualité subjective équivalente à son prédécesseur, la norme H.264. Dans un circuit numérique, la consommation provient de deux éléments: la puissance statique et la puissance dynamique. La plupart des architectures matérielles récentes mettent en oeuvre des procédés permettant de contrôler la puissance du système. Le changement dynamique du couple tension/fréquence appelé Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) agit principalement sur la puissance dynamique du circuit. Cette technique permet d'adapter la puissance du processeur (et donc sa consommation) à la charge réelle nécessaire pour une application. Pour contrôler la puissance statique, le Dynamic Power Management (DPM, ou modes de veille) consistant à arrêter les alimentations associées à des zones spécifiques de la puce. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons d'abord une modélisation de l'énergie consommée par le circuit intégrant les modes DVFS et DPM. Cette modélisation est généralisée au circuit multi-coeurs et intégrée à un outil de prototypage rapide. Ainsi le point de fonctionnement optimal d'un circuit, la fréquence de fonctionnement et le nombre de coeurs actifs, est identifié. Dans un second temps, l'application HEVC est intégrée à une architecture multi-coeurs avec une adaptation dynamique de la fréquence de développement. Nous montrons que cette application peut être implémentée efficacement sur des processeurs généralistes (GPP) tout en minimisant la puissance consommée. Enfin, et pour aller plus loin dans les gains en énergie, nous proposons une modification du décodeur HEVC qui permet à un décodeur de baisser encore plus sa consommation en fonction du budget énergétique disponible localement


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    Power-Aware HEVC Decoding with Tunable Image Quality

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    International audienceA high pressure is put on mobile devices to support increasingly advanced applications requiring more processing capabilities. Among those, the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) provides a better video quality for the same bit rate than the previous H.264 standard. A limitation in the usability of a mobile video playing device is the lack of support for guaranteeing stand-by time and up time for battery driven devices. The Green Metadata initiative within the MPEG standard was launched to address the power saving issues of the decoder and defines the technology requirements. In this paper, we propose a HEVC decoder with tunable decoding quality levels for maximum power savings as suggested in the scope of the Green Metadata initiative. Our experiments reveal that the modified HEVC video decoder can save up to 28 % of power consumption in real-world platforms while keeping better quality than decoding with H.264

    Energy Efficiency and Performance Management of Parallel Dataflow Applications

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    International audienceParallelizing software is a popular way of achieving high energy efficiency since parallel applications can be mapped on many cores and the clock frequency can be lowered. Perfect parallelism is, however, not often reached and different program phases usually contain different levels of parallelism due to data dependencies. Applications have currently no means of expressing the level of parallelism, and the power management is mostly done based on only the workload. In this work, we provide means of expressing QoS and levels of parallelism in applications for more tight integration with the power management to obtain optimal energy efficiency in multi-core systems. We utilize the dataflow framework PREESM to create and analyze program structures and expose the parallelism in the program phases to the power management. We use the derived parameters in a NLP (NonLinear Programming) solver to determine the minimum power for allocating resources to the applications

    Efficient fixed-point refinement of DSP dataflow systems

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    International audienceWith the current extensive deployment of digital communications, new standards are required every few years to regularly provide with new features. More throughput and better radio coverage w.r.t. former standards are examples of mandatory improvements. Generally, a new standard consists in modifying elements of the systems incrementally: add a receive antenna, use higher order modulation, etc. The design methodology is then crucial to ensure system quality while maintaining a short time for delivery. This paper proposes to use dataflow modelling for its ability to represent complex systems at a high level of abstraction. The dataflow representation inputs a 2-step incremental design method that aims at ensuring perfect compliance to quality requirements. The method consists first in sizing interfaces and then defining process accuracy to reach the desired quality. The studied use case is a High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSPDA) receiver type 2 where the channel equalizer replaces the RAKE receiver on an existing system. We show that the fast prototyping can be done by focusing only on the key blocks to reduce time-to-design. The fixed-point refinementis studied thoroughly and we show the quality constrained of 2.31 dB is maintained all through the design steps. It ensures performance independence to run simulations in parallel and keep the time-to-design reasonable

    HEVC Decoding with Tunable Image Quality - Subjective evaluation

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    Contribution to 111th MPEG meeting for GreenMetadata ad hoc group


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    The invention relates to a decoder, system and method for decoding multimedia data in a terminal by managing the energy available for decoding, including a decoder (300, 500) of the multimedia data, characterised in that said decoder (300, 500) includes at least one low-power decoding chain comprising an activation module (305, 520) suitable for activating a first low-power decoding chain or loop filter (509, 510, 511) and a low-power interpolation chain (535, 536, 537) in accordance with at least one parameter representing energy constraints of the user and/or of the mobile terminal and one or more metadata Md associated with a decoding complexity and/or with a decoding energy. The invention can be used in a terminal using the H.264/AVC or H.265/HEVC standards